Data Network Affiliates - Are You Kidding Me?

Ok, it's been a long time since I have written a gripe on my blog, and my reasons are many and of no importance to anyone but me, but I have been receiving some requests for my viewpoint on this program, so I finally decided to fire up the keyboard for this little ditty.

Data Network Affiliates came on the scene about a month ago, and was all the rage for a couple of weeks. The surrounding hoopla appears to have calmed down a bit, but that's par for the course for all new programs.

The fact is that this thing has smelled fishy to me right from the beginning, and it isn't smelling any better with the passing of time.

You know, sometimes you just have to use your intuition on these things. You know, your ability to tell right from wrong.

In case you don't even know what Data Network Affiliates is all about, here's a little exerpt directly from the website:


Welcome To Data Network Affiliates
Our mission is to turn data into dollars.

The data collection business: did over $14 Billion in revenue last year; A 12 point record on an individual is worth up to $35.00 and a 7 point record on a business is worth up to $10.00; The Direct Marketing Association says companies spent $191 billion last year on direct- response advertising. The category that includes direct mail and telephone solicitations produced $1.7 trillion in revenue.

Automobile and Truck Tags: are just the tip of the iceberg and are only Phase One of the Data Network Affiliates simple plan of action... Phase Two will be even more profitable and just as simple to obtain…

The Department of Justice reported: 797,500 children (younger than 18) were reported missing in a one-year period of time studied resulting in an average of 2,185 children being reported missing each day; 203,900 children were victims of family abductions; 58,200 children were victims of non- family abductions. ONLY 492 children since 1997, has the AMBER Alert program been credited for the safe recovery. DNA could help in such safe recoveries. If DNA helped save ONE MORE CHILD it’s worth it?


Sounds really important, doesn't it?

Well, it's nothing but hogwash, smoke and mirrors and the Dreaded CRAP, which I hate more than anything!

What this is REALLY about is just the collecting of license plate numbers from Walmart parking lots, and making money doing it!

First of all, I could not imagine sitting in a parking lot, writing down other peoples' license plate numbers, because it just seems inherently WRONG and invasive of other peoples' privacy...period. That's just not for you and I to do. It's for law enforcement officers.

I mean, how would you feel if you walked out of Walmart and caught someone standing behind your car, writing down your plate number? Would you feel violated? Angry? I bet you sure would. And you would most certainly know it was just plain WRONG that someone was invading your privacy like that!

And if you were the one doing the date collecting, what would you say to that person? You would have to make up some corny story just to keep them from calling the cops on you or punching you right in the face!

But, I digress...

Upon using your brain, you will realize what a bunch of BS this really is, because do you really think that Law Enforcement Agencies are going to pay billions of dollars to some rinky dink MLM Data Collection Company????


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